FCS Kitchen Lab Best Practices (Cheyenne Middle School) 8:15am - 11:15am
Arts Festival Discussion & Gel Print Workshop (Visual Art Room) 8:15am - 11:15am
RN/Health Aide(Full Time) Training 8:00am - 4:00pm
OKA+ Creativity Workshop (6-12 ELA) (EPSAC Ok A room) 8:15am - 11:15am
Media Specialist Collab (Tech Annex) 8:15am - 3:30pm
Behavior Data Collection 101 (rm 206) 8:15am - 9:35am
Bust Out The Boring and Bring On The Brilliant (rm 61) 8:15am - 9:35am
Secondary MTSS: Serving Up Success: A Recipe for Tiered Behavior Systems (rm 147) 8:15am - 9:35am
MGH Reveal Math K-5 - Strategies for Engagement and Story Problems in Math (rm 56) 8:15am - 9:35am
An Introduction to Desmos in the Math Classroom (rm 122) 8:15am - 9:35am
World Languages Collab (Vocal/Fine Arts rm) 8:15am - 11:15am
Using the Daily 5 for Reading Instruction (rm 65) 8:15am - 9:35am
On The Same Team (rm 35) 8:15am - 9:35am
Using Centers in Upper Elementary (rm53) 8:15am - 9:35am
Integrating Core Content in an Elementary Classroom (rm 63) 8:15am - 9:35am
Everyone Wants to be Included (rm F135) 8:15am - 9:35am
Unlocking Potential: W.I.N. time Ideas for Bright and Gifted Students 8:15am - 9:35am
GATE - Forensics Unit Presentation (rm 151) 8:15am - 9:35am
Canvas & The New Google Integration (rm F136) 8:15am - 9:35am
Games and Activities to Build a Classroom Community (Drama rm) 8:15am - 11:15am
From Scribbles to Stories: Developing Early Writing Skills (rm 64) 8:15am - 9:35am
"Email Made E-Z: Streamlining Family Communication & Documentation" (rm 153) 8:15am - 9:35am
Digital Escape Rooms - Locking Down Engagement (rm 33) 8:15am - 9:35am
Seesaw Show & Tell (rm 205) 8:15am - 9:35am
Paper Flow/Classroom Organization (rm 28) 8:15am - 9:35am
Working through W.I.N Time (rm 34) 8:15am - 9:35am
Using Strategy Guides to Develop Literacy Practices in Science - How to Analyze Visua... 8:15am - 9:35am
Classroom management and discussion (rm 202) 8:15am - 9:35am
Connecting Tribal Perspectives with Social Studies Standards (rm F144) 8:15am - 9:35am
Introduction to STEM Cases (rm F134) 8:15am - 9:35am
15 Day Challenge: Backwards Planning to Simplify and Energize your PLC (rm 141) 8:15am - 9:35am
Secondary MTSS: Positive Vibes on a Budget: Building Classroom & Teacher Bonds ( rm 1... 8:15am - 9:35am
The ACT English Test: Help Your Students Improve! (rm 124) 8:15am - 9:35am
The More We Get Together: Music Teams (rm 154) 8:15am - 9:35am
Secondary MTSS: Foundations Team Planning Time (rm 137) 8:15am - 9:35am
Teaching Students to Use AI Ethically-Webinar (rm F143) 8:15am - 9:35am
Building Student Writing Abilities in Just Six Minutes a Day (rm 60) 8:15am - 9:35am
AI and Proactive Parent Communication (rm 144) 8:15am - 9:35am
Mini Review Mania (rm 62) 8:15am - 9:35am
Exploring Defined Learning and Defined Careers (rm 66) 8:15am - 9:35am
Teaching Comprehension using Science of Reading Strategies (rm 36) 8:15am - 9:35am
Intro to Conscious Discipline for the Middle School Classroom (rm 143) 8:15am - 9:35am
Kicking Off K-Start (rm 201) 8:15am - 9:35am
Seeing is Believing: Inquiry-Based Investigations with Images, Art, and Artifacts (rm... 8:15am - 9:35am
Where could I BEE? (rm 125) 8:15am - 9:35am
SPED Bridging Meetings (Media Center) 8:15am - 11:15am
Google Classroom 101 (rm 155) 8:15am - 9:35am
Power of Perspective (139) 8:15am - 9:35am
Frog Street PreK Follow Up PD (Freshman Cafeteria) 8:15am - 11:15am
Understanding IEP Team Member Roles (rm F141) 8:15am - 9:35am
Resign? Resigned? Re-assign? (A New Take on the "3 R's" to Find Balance Between Our P... 8:15am - 9:35am
Write More, Grade Less! Class Companion (rm 142) 8:15am - 9:35am
Backward Planning: Mapping the Path to Student Success (rm 26) 8:15am - 9:35am
Medicare 101 (rm 204) 8:15am - 9:35am
Tips on Great Expectations Implementation (rm 32) 8:15am - 9:35am
Generative AI Crash Course: Understanding, Engaging, and Accelerating with AI (main Cafeteria) 8:15am - 11:15am
Drop Everything And Relax (rm 27) 8:15am - 9:35am
LETRS Introduction and Application (rm25) 8:15am - 9:35am
Meaningful Technology in Early Childhood (rm 28) 9:55am - 11:15am
Let's Explore the K-5 OK Math Standards and Vertical Progression (rm 56) 9:55am - 11:15am
Voices of Resilience: Understanding the OKC Bombing Through Oral Histories (rm 29) 9:55am - 11:15am
Are you drowning in your email inbox? Use the R.A.F.T. strategy to organize your Goog... 9:55am - 11:15am
Taming the Dragons: Strategies for Managing Challenging Behaviors (rm 65) 9:55am - 11:15am
HS ELD Instructional Collaboration (rm 124) 9:55am - 11:15am
Comprehension & Writing: Why Are They So Complex? (rm 64) 9:55am - 11:15am
Making Parent Phone Calls (rm 122) 9:55am - 11:15am
Don't Stress, It's just a CFA! (rm 53) 9:55am - 11:15am
Math CFA's for 4th grade (rm62) 9:55am - 11:15am
Canvas & The New Google Integration (rm F136) 9:55am - 11:15am
Closing The Gap- Webinar (rm F135) 9:55am - 11:15am
Write More, Grade Less! Class Companion (rm 142) 9:55am - 11:15am
How Proactive Parent Communication changed my teaching style for the better (rm 144) 9:55am - 11:15am
How to build relationships through shared experiences. (rm 143) 9:55am - 11:15am
Secondary MTSS: Growing Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (rm 146) 9:55am - 11:15am
Elementary Screener Committee (rm 206) 9:55am - 11:15am
Phonics, Spelling and Morphology K-5 (rm 25) 9:55am - 11:15am
Irvin Box- Post McGirt Cases (rm F144) 9:55am - 11:15am
Content & Culture: How to Strive for Excellence While Having Fun (rm 141) 9:55am - 11:15am
MGH Reveal Math (6-8) - how to make it work for you (rm 147) 9:55am - 11:15am
Discourse and Civics and Fat Bears! Oh My! (rm 33) 9:55am - 11:15am
Interactive Screen Time and the Developing Brain (rm 201) 9:55am - 11:15am
Using Children's Literature to Teach Personal Finance and Economics (rm 26) 9:55am - 11:15am
Tips on Great Expectations Implementation (rm 32) 9:55am - 11:15am
Expanding the Gizmos Experience (F134) 9:55am - 11:15am
Get Creative with Canva (rm 155) 9:55am - 11:15am
Caseload Shortcuts and LifeHacks (rm F140) 9:55am - 11:15am
Savvas AGA - how to make it work for you (rm 154) 9:55am - 11:15am
Cat and Mouse: What Burglars Can Teach Us About Responsive Classroom Design (rm 204) 9:55am - 11:15am
Ensuring High Levels of Literacy-Webinar (rm F143) 9:55am - 11:15am
Building Student Writing Abilities in Just Six Minutes a Day (rm 60) 9:55am - 11:15am
Understanding IEP Team Member Roles (rm F141) 9:55am - 11:15am
Seesaw Show & Tell (rm 205) 9:55am - 11:15am
Modifying Work for English Learners (rm 34) 9:55am - 11:15am
Teaching Comprehension using Science of Reading Strategies (rm 36) 9:55am - 11:15am
DayBreak Webinar: Supporting Students with Trauma & Traumatic Experiences (rm 202) 9:55am - 11:15am
Secondary MTSS: Foundations Team Planning Time (rm 137) 9:55am - 11:15am
"Email Made E-Z: Streamlining Family Communication & Documentation" (rm 153) 9:55am - 11:15am
Middle School ELD Collab (rm 125) 9:55am - 11:15am
3D modeling using Tinkercad - 3D print design (rm35) 9:55am - 11:15am
Drop Everything And Relax (rm 27) 9:55am - 11:15am
CFAs for Early Ed (rm 61) 9:55am - 11:15am
THRIVING, NOT JUST SURVIVNG: Work-Life Balance Habits of Awesome Educators (rm 151) 9:55am - 11:15am
Resign? Resigned? Re-assign? (A New Take on the "3 R's" to Find Balance Between Our P... 9:55am - 11:15am
Understanding and Implementing IEP & 504 Accommodations (rm 63) 9:55am - 11:15am
Power of Perspective (139) 9:55am - 11:15am
Exploring Defined Learning and Defined Careers (rm 66) 9:55am - 11:15am
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