EPS Mini Conference Feb 2025
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Monday, February 17

8:15am CST

"Email Made E-Z: Streamlining Family Communication & Documentation" (rm 153) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolAmelia Prince 15 Day Challenge: Backwards Planning to Simplify and Energize your PLC (rm 141) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolMignon Taylor • Natalie Iver An Introduction to Desmos in the Math Classroom (rm 122) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolSeth Howard Backward Planning: Mapping the Path to Student Success (rm 26) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolSuzanne Gonzalez Behavior Data Collection 101 (rm 206) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJohnna Schooley Building Student Writing Abilities in Just Six Minutes a Day (rm 60) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolLindsey Fite Bust Out The Boring and Bring On The Brilliant (rm 61) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolDarla Howell • Kelsey Ledford Canvas & The New Google Integration (rm F136) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJulie Gathright Classroom management and discussion (rm 202) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolCecilia Baldwin Connecting Tribal Perspectives with Social Studies Standards (rm F144) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolCourtney Tsotigh Yarholar • Sydna Yellowfish Digital Escape Rooms - Locking Down Engagement (rm 33) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKelsey Davis Drop Everything And Relax (rm 27) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolMikela Williams Everyone Wants to be Included (rm F135) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJessica Tate Exploring Defined Learning and Defined Careers (rm 66) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKeely Gilpin From Scribbles to Stories: Developing Early Writing Skills (rm 64) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJulie Hutson • Keri Knutson GATE - Forensics Unit Presentation (rm 151) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolAmy Milligan Gifted And Talented Education (GATE) Presentation/Discussion/Q&A (rm 203) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolDiane Clarke Google Classroom 101 (rm 155) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKate Van Hoozer How Proactive Parent Communication changed my teaching style for the better (rm 144) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolTaylor Woodard Integrating Core Content in an Elementary Classroom (rm 63) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKrystin Kinsaul • Megan George • Shenae Nicholson • Rachel Golden Intro to Conscious Discipline for the Middle School Classroom (rm 143) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolAlex Russell Introduction to STEM Cases (rm F134) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJordan Marmara Kicking Off K-Start (rm 201) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolLauren Dile • Miranda Bryan • Kaleigh Lee • Lauren Hollas LETRS Introduction and Application (rm25) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolMorgan Riley • Lisa Davis • Namia Nixon • Meg Futrell • Taylor Lucas • Molly Ingalsby Medicare 101 (rm 204) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolEzel McEntee MGH Reveal Math K-5 - Strategies for Engagement and Story Problems in Math (rm 56) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolDarcy McMullen Mini Review Mania (rm 62) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolSarah Strout • Eden Sellers On The Same Team (rm 35) Edmond Santa Fe High School Paper Flow/Classroom Organization (rm 28) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJajuana Moore Power of Perspective (139) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolWoodrow Wilson Resign? Resigned? Re-assign? (A New Take on the "3 R's" to Find Balance Between Our Personal and Professional Forests (rm 123) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolDr. Brad Coker Secondary MTSS: Foundations Team Planning Time (rm 137) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKiona Fowler Secondary MTSS: Positive Vibes on a Budget: Building Classroom & Teacher Bonds ( rm 146) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKelsey Williams Secondary MTSS: Serving Up Success: A Recipe for Tiered Behavior Systems (rm 147) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKiona Fowler Seeing is Believing: Inquiry-Based Investigations with Images, Art, and Artifacts (rm 29) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolLiz Rogers • Pam Merrill Seesaw Show & Tell (rm 205) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolMegan Walck Teaching Comprehension using Science of Reading Strategies (rm 36) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolAmy David Teaching Students to Use AI Ethically-Webinar (rm F143) Edmond Santa Fe High School The ACT English Test: Help Your Students Improve! (rm 124) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolTeri Walls The More We Get Together: Music Teams (rm 154) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolLeah McDonald Tips on Great Expectations Implementation (rm 32) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolEmilee Holley Understanding IEP Team Member Roles (rm F141) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKim Phagan Using Centers in Upper Elementary (rm53) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolLeah DeGiacomo Using Strategy Guides to Develop Literacy Practices in Science - How to Analyze Visual Representations in Science Texts & Engaging with Text Through Active Reading (Rm F140) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolAshley Rodriguez Using the Daily 5 for Reading Instruction (rm 65) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolMolly McMullin-Yohe • Jami Cole Where could I BEE? (rm 125) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolDwight Justus Working through W.I.N Time (rm 34) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolAddie Chapman Write More, Grade Less! Class Companion (rm 142) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolChristopher Bashant • Jennie Butler Arts Festival Discussion & Gel Print Workshop (Visual Art Room) Edmond North High School FCS Kitchen Lab Best Practices (Cheyenne Middle School) Cheyenne Middle SchoolKendall Wildman Frog Street PreK Follow Up PD (Freshman Cafeteria) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolElizabeth Ging Games and Activities to Build a Classroom Community (Drama rm) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolMarisa Carr Generative AI Crash Course: Understanding, Engaging, and Accelerating with AI (main Cafeteria) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolMichael Hanegan OKA+ Creativity Workshop (6-12 ELA) (EPSAC Ok A room) Edmond Public SchoolsJackie Rasnic SPED Bridging Meetings (Media Center) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKathryn Ash World Languages Collab (Vocal/Fine Arts rm) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolCarina Plett Media Specialist Collab (Tech Annex) Edmond Public SchoolsSarah Johnston

9:55am CST

"Email Made E-Z: Streamlining Family Communication & Documentation" (rm 153) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolAmelia Prince 3D modeling using Tinkercad - 3D print design (rm35) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolSteven Fletcher Are you drowning in your email inbox? Use the R.A.F.T. strategy to organize your Google email. (rm 203) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolDiane Clarke Building Student Writing Abilities in Just Six Minutes a Day (rm 60) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolLindsey Fite Canvas & The New Google Integration (rm F136) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJulie Gathright Caseload Shortcuts and LifeHacks (rm F140) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolElijah Corella Cat and Mouse: What Burglars Can Teach Us About Responsive Classroom Design (rm 204) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJordan Atcheson CFAs for Early Ed (rm 61) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolShannon Boyer • Abby Bowen Closing The Gap- Webinar (rm F135) Edmond Santa Fe High School Comprehension & Writing: Why Are They So Complex? (rm 64) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJenn Hanson Content & Culture: How to Strive for Excellence While Having Fun (rm 141) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolBen Campbell DayBreak Webinar: Supporting Students with Trauma & Traumatic Experiences (rm 202) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKathryn Lambert Discourse and Civics and Fat Bears! Oh My! (rm 33) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKelsey Davis Don't Stress, It's just a CFA! (rm 53) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJennifer Van Huss Drop Everything And Relax (rm 27) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolMikela Williams Elementary Screener Committee (rm 206) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJohnna Schooley Ensuring High Levels of Literacy-Webinar (rm F143) Edmond Santa Fe High School Expanding the Gizmos Experience (F134) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJordan Marmara Exploring Defined Learning and Defined Careers (rm 66) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKeely Gilpin Get Creative with Canva (rm 155) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKate Van Hoozer How Proactive Parent Communication changed my teaching style for the better (rm 144) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolTaylor Woodard How to build relationships through shared experiences. (rm 143) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolChelsea Schmidt HS ELD Instructional Collaboration (rm 124) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKarla Winslow Interactive Screen Time and the Developing Brain (rm 201) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolTara Savedra Irvin Box- Post McGirt Cases (rm F144) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolLiz Rogers Let's Explore the K-5 OK Math Standards and Vertical Progression (rm 56) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolDarcy McMullen Making Parent Phone Calls (rm 122) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKacy Harsha Math CFA's for 4th grade (rm62) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJeanna Gragg Meaningful Technology in Early Childhood (rm 28) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJessica Sandman MGH Reveal Math (6-8) - how to make it work for you (rm 147) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolTessa Tefertiller Middle School ELD Collab (rm 125) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolMegan Lollis Modifying Work for English Learners (rm 34) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJessica Marine • Jamie Buckmaster Phonics, Spelling and Morphology K-5 (rm 25) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolLisa Glut • LesLee Lickey Power of Perspective (139) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolWoodrow Wilson Resign? Resigned? Re-assign? (A New Take on the "3 R's" to Find Balance Between Our Personal and Professional Forests (rm 123) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolDr. Brad Coker Savvas AGA - how to make it work for you (rm 154) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolTessa Tefertiller Secondary MTSS: Foundations Team Planning Time (rm 137) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKiona Fowler Secondary MTSS: Growing Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (rm 146) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKiona Fowler Seesaw Show & Tell (rm 205) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolMegan Walck Taming the Dragons: Strategies for Managing Challenging Behaviors (rm 65) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolJulie Spencer Teaching Comprehension using Science of Reading Strategies (rm 36) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolAmy David THRIVING, NOT JUST SURVIVNG: Work-Life Balance Habits of Awesome Educators (rm 151) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolTerry Buxton Tips on Great Expectations Implementation (rm 32) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolEmilee Holley Understanding and Implementing IEP & 504 Accommodations (rm 63) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolMelissa Price Understanding IEP Team Member Roles (rm F141) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolKim Phagan Using Children's Literature to Teach Personal Finance and Economics (rm 26) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolAmy Lee Voices of Resilience: Understanding the OKC Bombing Through Oral Histories (rm 29) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolLiz Rogers • Stephen Evans Write More, Grade Less! Class Companion (rm 142) Edmond Santa Fe High SchoolChristopher Bashant • Jennie Butler
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